Am I right or am I right? (c)

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Крис принял участие и во втором документальном фильме Уильяма Шатнера про капитанов "Стартрека".

Шатнер писал в своем твиттере, что этот проект содержит 30-минутные сюжеты про каждого из капитанов. Напомню, что в первом Криса было от силы минут десять суммарно :-D
DVD пока не поступил в широкую продажу, так что ждем.

апд. В продаже с 13-го августа!

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Крис Пайн, Captains Close Up


Am I right or am I right? (c)

@темы: Chris Pine, Крис Пайн


Am I right or am I right? (c)
Am I right or am I right? (c)
Улетел, но обещал вернуться (с)

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Крис Пайн, photo: candids


Am I right or am I right? (c)
Случайно набрела на ютубе. Послушаем специалиста? :-D

ПЕРЕВОД, на скорую руку.

Как вы думаете, это описание похоже на Криса? :)

@темы: 2013, перевод, video: interview about Chris



Am I right or am I right? (c)
Ну вот и всё, подготовительные работы завершены, сообщество можно считать открытым!
Заинтересовавшись Крисом несколько месяцев назад, я стала искать сообщества по нему на дайри и даже нашла. Увы, они оказались совершенно мертвыми или неинформативными, поэтому пришлось создать своё. Как это - нет сообщества по Пайну на дайри? Будет!
Сказано - сделано. В сообщество будут добавляться новые фотографии, информация о текущих и грядущих проектах, видео и статьи. По мере возможности постараюсь добавлять переводы наиболее интересных материалов. Отзывы и пожелания приветствуются на u-mail сообщества, комментарии приветствуются во всех записях без исключения, равно как и участники сообщества, и постоянные читатели. :) Чувствуйте себя как дома! :) Одна просьба - не забывать об уважении к Крису и друг другу.
Обращаю ваше внимание, что сообщество посвящено творчеству Криса, а не фан-арту и фан-фикшену с участием его или его персонажей.

Сообщество совсем новое, поэтому буду очень благодарна, если вы расскажете о нем у себя в дневнике - вдруг кого-то еще заинтересует наша тема ;-) Для этого есть баннер:

Добро пожаловать! :)


Am I right or am I right? (c)
Am I right or am I right? (c)


With the impending release of Star Trek: Into Darkness, we caught up with the star to discuss co-star Chris Pine
Photograph by Michael Muller

Since Zachary Quinto was seen on the cover of Out last October, the actor/producer has starred in a critically acclaimed production of Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie—now Broadway-bound—slipped back into Spock’s pointy ears for the sequel to 2009’s hit Star Trek and produced, through his company Before the Door, three feature films, including All is Lost (starring Robert Redford), which will premiere this month at Cannes.
Just before he set off on a globe-trotting promotional tour for Star Trek: Into Darkness (in theaters May 17), we talked to Quinto about his surprise visit to Chris Pine’s cover shoot for Out's June issue, his perspective on the epic Kirk-Spock bromance, and what his good buddy Pine cares about even more than being a good actor.

Out: Did Chris come to you for any advice about being on our cover?

Zachary Quinto: It was a surprise to me! I had another photo shoot [in the same building] on the same day, and I saw when I came in what the studio assignments were. I was so psyched that he was doing it. Chris doesn’t need much advice how to be on the cover of anything, I don’t think.

What kind of a friend is Chris? What does he mean to you?

He is fiercely intelligent. He is endlessly curious about himself and the world around him. He is really compassionate. He is really reliable. Authentic. Loyal. Enormously talented. I have been very lucky to work with people by and large whom I would love to spend time with outside of work. The cast of Star Trek—and Chris in particular—really rank at the top of that list, because we all experienced something so profound and transformed as a result of that together. And to watch what Chris has done with that has really inspired me. I’m grateful to be his friend.

Do you get to spend time together outside of when you’re shooting or promoting a film?

We do. We actually have a lot of mutual friends. We have circle of friends that overlap, so we kind of knew each other before the movie a little bit. We met before we started shooting. There’s kind of six degrees of separation all around. We do run into each other. I’ll go to someone’s house for dinner and Chris will just be there, and I will have not necessarily known that I would run into him. We travel in similar circles. But then we also make plans together as friends when we’re both in L.A. But when we’re both in L.A. has kind of been a rarity lately. I look forward to the press tour and all of the activity that’s kicked up around the movie lately so we can reconnect and have another version of the experience.

What have you learned about Chris that you think would surprise people?

Umm. I would say… [Laughs] Many things. Many things that would surprise people. But ones that I would feel are appropriate to talk about… He has a really incredible eye for design. He’s been working on his house and doing this beautiful work, creating very interesting spaces with furniture configurations and pieces of art and landscaping. He’s really inspired me in terms of his relationship to creating a space in which he can find solitude.

Chris and I spent some time talking about what it means to be a modern male movie star. What kind of roles would you love to see him play?

He has an incredible range as an actor. That’s one thing that people might not always, might not be the first place their minds go [because of] that kind of classical American, good looking, charismatic leading man that Chris is. But his range as an actor is phenomenal. I’ve seen him do work on stage—and in other environments beside tentpole blockbuster franchise movies—that have blown me away, even more than just how blown away I am by working with him. I would love to see a diversity of opportunities for him moving forward. He’s got Jack Ryan coming out, he’s really building significant momentum, and I think this next Trek movie is going to be hopefully big. I feel like he really can do anything. I don’t say that about a lot of actors, and from working with him and watching him work, I think I would really most love for people to be able to know that and see him do whatever he wants to do, whatever parts of himself he wants to show.

He told me he thinks leading men have become really homogenized. How is Chris Pine different than those other guys?

We all have our struggle against that. Ultimately that is only within ourselves. That is something that every single actor at every level in the game, especially at this level of the game—which is ascending to the highest level. You’re going to be up against that, how you identify yourself and how other people identify you. And I think the thing about Chris is that he cares more about that first quality than the second. He really cares more about being a good person—as well as a good actor—and knowing that at the end of the day, you have to unplug from that comparison game, because it will absolutely drain you. And it will devour any possibility for endless depth. And I know that’s what he wants.

That’s maybe what sets him apart; but I don’t know what those [other] actors want. I don’t know all of them. I can only speak to the man that I know, and I know Chris first and foremost cares about digging deeper within himself, about being a good person and being a more authentic person and understanding himself more. That is impressive, and that is all that we can ask of ourselves. That will set him apart. That will set his journey apart, and that will set his work apart in the end.

Chris called Kirk and Spock together “like a dialectic of a human being.” Got any bigger words to describe it?

Kirk and Spock will infinitely come at things from diametrically opposed points of view. But they always meet in the middle, and that exploration between them—there’s so much there, there’s so much depth in that. It’s so much fun to dive into it. I love that he and I got to inherit that dynamic, which obviously pre-exists us thanks to Leonard [Nimoy] and Bill Shatner. It’s endlessly fascinating to me, and that’s why I think the characters and the story and the franchise are so enduring.

Can you give me three ways to describe the precise color blue of Chris’ eyes?

Cerulean. Bombay Sapphire. The deep end of the pool.


Источник, перевод Lionette.

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, Закари Куинто, перевод, press: interview about Chris

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Chris Pine, if you’re reading this, your (maybe soon-to-be ex) girlfriend’s mom has something to say to you.
She’s beyond sorry for questioning your sex symbol status and not quite understanding what her daughter (bikini model Amanda Frances) sees in you.

To refresh your memory, she told Celebuzz (with a laugh): “I didn’t think he was that good looking. He’s got too much hair on his face and big eyebrows."
At the end of the day, she was really only thinking of her 23-year-old daughter: “But I guess nobody is really good enough for her," she added.

She insists it was all tongue-in-cheek, she’s a "HUGE jokester" and hopes her words ease any hurt feelings.

Please read her apology for yourself...

Dear Mr. Pine,

I pray that you get to read my apology or someone will tell you about it, all I can say is that I am a clueless idiot... anyone that knows me will tell you, that I am just a HUGE jokester its (sic) hard for me to be serious for more than 10 minutes, I am a very lighthearted gal, I wish I would have never answered this call. Of course I fibbed to all my family and said I said nothing :( I didn't realize this was such a humungASS deal till I started getting the wrath from my family for what I said, its (sic) not like I was just talking about one of her regular friends..EEEKKK (a moment here where I am jumping up and down with my eyes crossed and and banging my head on the wall!) I am going to obey my husband & practice the zipper from now on! :) Amanda has made a very big life for herself and for that I am so proud of her, she is very smart, beautiful and confident, I hate that she is so mad at me now, I just need to cut the apron strings and step back.

Sincerely, Pamela Theriot


Источник, перевод Lionette.

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Крис Пайн, перевод, press: article, press: gossip

Am I right or am I right? (c)

Chris Pine may be used to the deafening screams of fangirls everywhere, but don’t count on his new girlfriend’s family to be on his list of admirers.
His new bikini model gal pal Amanda Frances doesn’t quite get two thumbs up from her mom. In fact, this mama bear's got some fighting words for the Star Trek Into Darkness star.

“I never heard of him before,” Pamela DiPietro told Celebuzz.
“If he broke my daughter’s heart, they’ll be hell to pay. A little Italian mom coming out there and kick his a**,” she added, with a chuckle.

In fact, (insert surprise face here) she doesn't quite see where this leading man gets his Hollywood hunk status.

“I didn’t think he was that good looking. He’s got too much hair on his face and big eyebrows," she laughed.

“But I guess nobody is really good enough for her."

DiPietro admits that she saw the photo of Pine -- who just called it quits with Sport Illustrated model Dominique Piek -- and Frances holding hands while strolling out of Hollywood hotspot Bootsy Bellows May 24, but she had no clue her 23-year-old daughter was dating the superstar. (Mostly because she says her daughter knows she wouldn’t approve.)
“I don’t want her seeing him. I don’t want her to date celebrities. I’m not happy about it,” she said.

“We're really close. I just want her to come home,” she said of her hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana. “I’m worried about that kind of lifestyle, I want her to live a normal life and not be a celebrity."

Her mom says Frances has been asked out by quite a few celebs, but this is the first time she got caught in the hand-holding act.

“She’s very picky. She only had one boyfriend in high school. So she’s dating this guy, he must be okay," said DiPietro.

“It doesn’t surprise me, but I hope it dies down fast."

She adds that her daughter mingles in celebrity circles, but she’s not looking to capitalize off Pine's fame.
“She just wants to be a model, she doesn’t want to be famous," she said. “She’s a smart girl. She's very grounded. I always say she’s an Asian wise man reincarnated."

Well, that's good news, considering the sexy actor recently opened up to Ellen DeGeneres about his single status and his perfect woman: "Sensitive, beauty and sense of humor," he said. "You have to be abe to carry a conversation. When lust dies down there has to be the thing that engages you."

But like many Hollywood romances, this young love may end just as quickly as it started. Pine could very well be pining for his new girl from afar -- given that she’s planning on studying in Spain for six months, according to her mom.

“She’s only 23 and he’s 32," she said, "and it looks like he dates a lot, from one supermodel to the next.”


Источник, перевод Lionette.
Фотографии тут.

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Крис Пайн, перевод, press: article, photo: candids, Amanda Frances, press: gossip


Candids 2013

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник:

01-03-13 Los Feliz, CA/Лос Фелиз, Калифорния

01-05-13 Gas Station/Автозаправочная станция

01-29-13 L.A. Staples Center/Лос-Анджелес, Стэйплз Центр

02-27-13 West Hollywood/Голливуд

04-21-13 Sydney Airport/Сидней, аэропорт

05-09-13 NYC, outside Today Show/Нью-Йорк, после съемок "Today Show"

05-16-13 Outside Jimmy Kimmel Live! Hollywood/Голливуд, после съемок "Джимми Киммел"


05-24-13 Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood/Голливуд, клуб "Бутси Беллоуз"


07-15-13 Hollywood, filming "Stretch"/Голливуд, съемки "Лимузин"


07-26-13 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Крис Пайн, Stretch, Лимузин, photo: candids, photo: filming, Amanda Frances



Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник:,,,,

The Atheist (2005)

Неизвестный спектакль

The Blank Theatre Young Playwrights Festival (2006)

The Blank Theatre Young Playwrights Festival (2008)

Farragut North (2009)

The Lieutenant of Inishmore (2010)

@темы: Chris Pine, Крис Пайн, 2008, 2006, 2005, photo: theatre, 2009, 2010


Candids 2012

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник:

01-15-12 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

02-29-12 L.A. Filming "Star Trek: Into Darkness"/Лос-Анджелес, съемки "Стартрек: Возмездие"

07-30-12 L.A. with Dominique Piek/Лос-Анджелес, с Доминик Пайк

08-16-12 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

08-28-12 LAX/Лос-Анджелес, аэропорт LAX

08-31-12 NYC, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Нью-Йорк, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"


09-01-12 NYC, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Нью-Йорк, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"


09-17-12 Liverpool, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Ливерпуль, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"


09-30-12 London, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Лондон, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"


10-21-12 London, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Лондон, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"

10-28-12 London, filming "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"/Лондон, съемки "Джек Райан: Теория хаоса"


12-03-12 Tokyo Airport

12-06-12 LAX/Лос-Анджелес, аэропорт LAX

12-30-12 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

@темы: Chris Pine, Keira Knightley, Кеннет Брэна, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, Закари Куинто, Кевин Костнер, Kevin Costner, Зои Салдана, Zoe Saldana, 2012, Kenneth Branagh, Star Trek Into Darkness, photo: candids, photo: filming, Dominique Piek, Стартрек Возмездие, Джек Райан Теория Хаоса, Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit, Кира Найтли


Candids 2011

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник:

01-09-11 L.A. Staples Center/Лос-Анджелес, Стэйплс Центр

01-19-11 L.A. filming People Like Us/Лос-Анджелес, съемки "Люди как мы"

02-03-11 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

06-02-11 Hollywood/Голливуд

06-22-11 L.A. with Dane Cook/Лос Анджелес, с Дэйном Куком

07-27-11 West Hollywood/Голливуд

09-08-11 LAX/Лос-Анджелес, аэропорт LAX

12-11-11 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

@темы: Chris Pine, Крис Пайн, 2011, People Like Us, photo: candids, photo: filming, Люди как мы, Dane Cook


Candids 2010

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник:

01-07-10 L.A./Лос-Анджелес

01-21-10 Hollywood with Olivia Munn/Голливуд, с Оливией Манн

01-22-10 Hollywood with Nathalie Walker/Голливуд, с Натали Уолкер

02-10-10 L.A./Лос-Анджелес

02-16-10 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

03-10-10 Beverly Hills/Беверли Хиллз

03-26-10 L.A./Лос-Анджелес

03-30-10 Los Feliz, CA/Лос Фелиз, Калифорния

04-02-10 Beverly Hills with Jasmine Waltz/Беверли Хиллз, с Жасмин Уолтц

04-04-10 L.A./Лос-Анджелес

04-08-10 Hollywood/Голливуд

05-03-10 NYC/Нью-Йорк

05-06-10 NYC/Нью-Йорк

05-13-10 L.A./Лос-Анджелес

05-19-10 Silver Lake, CA with Sorel Carradine/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния, с Сорел Кэррадайн

06-04-10 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

09-30-10 Vancouver/Ванкувер

10-20-10 Vancouver/Ванкувер

12-12-10 LAX/Лос-Анджелес, аэропорт LAX

@темы: Chris Pine, Крис Пайн, Olivia Munn, photo: candids, Jasmine Waltz, Nathalie Walker, Sorel Carradine, 2010


Candids 2009

Am I right or am I right? (c)
03-15-09 L.A. Staples Center with Beau Garrett/Лос-Анджелес Стэйплс Центр, с Бо Гарретт

03-28-09 Westwood, CA/Вествуд, Калифорния

04-04-09 LAX/Лос-Аджелес, аэропорт LAX

04-06-09 Sydney/Сидней

05-05-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

05-07-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

05-08-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

05-15-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

05-17-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния


05-20-09 L.A/Лос-Андежелес

05-24-09 Santa Monica, CA/Санта-Моника, Калифорния

05-26-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

05-27-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

05-28-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

05-29-09 Hollywood/Голливуд

06-12-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

06-15-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

06-16-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

06-17-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

06-20-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

07-02-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

07-07-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

07-17-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

07-21-09 Westwood, CA/Вествуд, Калифорния

07-22-09 L.A with Beau Garrett/Лос-Анджелес, с Бо Гарретт

08-06-09 Beverly Hills/Беверли Хиллз

08-08-09-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

08-11-09 Silver Lake, CA/Силвер Лэйк, Калифорния

08-14-09 West Hollywood/Голливуд

08-21-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес

08-22-26-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес


09-06-09 LAX/Лос-Анджелес, аэропорт LAX

09-20-09 Manhattan/Манхэттен

10-08-09 NYC/Нью-Йорк

10-09-09 NYC/Нью-Йорк

10-11-09 NYC/Нью-Йорк

12-08-09 L.A. with Olivia Munn/Лос-Анджелес, с Оливией Манн

12-09-09 Studio City, CA with Robert Pine/Студио Сити, Калифорния, с Робертом Пайном

12-20-09 L.A. with Olivia Munn/Лос-Анджелес, с Оливией Манн

12-24-09 L.A/Лос-Анджелес


@темы: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, Закари Куинто, Beau Garrett, Olivia Munn, photo: candids, Robert Pine, 2009

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник -

05/02/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall - London, England

05/02/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Press Conference - London, England

05/02/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - London, England

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке - часть I ** Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке - часть II

05/02/2013 - Visiting The Graham Norton Show

05/05/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Press Conference at Corinthia Hotel - London, England


05/07/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall - Mexico City


05/07/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Press Conference - Mexico City


05/07/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - Mexico City

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

05/09/2013 - Visiting The Today Show

05/09/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Special Screening - New York

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

05/14/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - Los Angeles

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке - часть I ** Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке - часть II

05/16/2013 - Visiting The Ellen Show

05/16/2013 - Visiting Jimmy Kimmel LIVE!

06/08/2013 - 12th Annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball


@темы: Chris Pine, 2013, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, Закари Куинто, Колин Фаррелл, Simon Pegg, Зои Салдана, Benedict Cumberbatch, Бенедикт Камбербэтч, Zoe Saldana, Graham Norton, Элис Ив, JJ Abrams, Alice Eve, Alex Kurtzman, photo: public appearences, Roberto Orci, Грэм Нортон, Colin Farrell, Саймон Пегг

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник -

02/09/2013 - Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences' Scientific And Technical Awards Ceremony


02/23/2013 - Watching Rehearsals for the 85th Academy Awards

02/24/2013 - 85th Annual Academy Awards


03/26/2013 - Garcia House Cocktail Party

04/10/2013 - Coach 3rd Annual Evening Of Cocktails And Shopping To Benefit The Children's Defense Fund

04/13/2013 - LACOSTE L!VE Desert Pool Party In Celebration Of Coachella

04/14/2013 - 2013 MTV Movie Awards


04/15/2013 - CinemaCon 2013 Off and Running Gala Opening Night Presentation by Paramount Pictures

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/18/2013 - CinemaCon 2013 Awards Ceremony

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/22/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall at Bondi Beach - Sydney, Australia


04/23/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall - Sydney, Australia


04/23/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - Sydney, Australia

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/25/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall - Moscow, Russia

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/25/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - Moscow, Russia

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/28/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Photocall - Berlin, Germany

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

04/29/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Press Conference - Berlin, Germany

04/29/2013 - Star Trek Into Darkness Premiere - Berlin, Germany

Посмотреть/скачать по ссылке

@темы: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Крис Пайн, Карл Урбан, Закари Куинто, Karl Urban, Simon Pegg, Зои Салдана, Jon Favreau, Zoe Saldana, Элис Ив, JJ Abrams, Alice Eve, photo: public appearences, Джон Фавро, Саймон Пегг

Am I right or am I right? (c)
Всё кликабельно, источник -

05/16/2012 - 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival "Rise of the Guardians" Q&A With Talent And Filmmakers


05/16/2012 - 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival Opening Ceremony and Moonrise Kingdom Premiere


05/19/2012 - 65th Annual Cannes Film Festival Vanity Fair And Gucci Party

06/01/2012 - In-studio with Roe & Roeper WLS 890 AM

06/04/2012 - 'People Like Us' Screening at SIFF Cinema Uptown in Seattle, WA


06/05/2012 - In Studio with 95.7 KJR Seattle


06/05/2012 - In Studio with KISS FM Seattle


06/12/2012 - In Studio with Kidd Kraddick In the Morning

06/14/2012 - 'People Like Us' Press Conference


06/15/2012 - 2012 Los Angeles Film Festival Premiere of "People Like Us"

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06/22/2012 - Visiting The Tonight Show with Jay Leno


06/25/2012 - Visiting Good Morning America


06/25/2012 - The Cinema Society hosts a Screening of DreamWorks Studios "People Like Us"

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06/27/2012 - Visiting Conan O'Brien on TBS

11/15/2012 - "Rise Of The Guardians" - UK Premiere

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12/04/2012 - 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Special Footage Presentation in Tokyo, Japan


@темы: Chris Pine, Алек Болдуин, Isla Fisher, Крис Пайн, Elizabeth Banks, Benedict Cumberbatch, Бенедикт Камбербэтч, 2012, Alec Baldwin, Michelle Pfeiffer, JJ Abrams, Мишель Пфайффер, Alex Kurtzman, photo: public appearences, Айла Фишер, Элизабет Бэнкс